Solid Edge Files
The Solid Edge translator imports the Parasolid information of Solid Edge ® parts (including sheet metal parts) or assemblies into SolidWorks part or assembly documents.
We use file properties to populate our drawing title blocks in ST7. Currently, when they need updating/changed, we must either go back to file in question or use the property manager. For large assemblies, this can be time consuming. Wondering if anyone knows of any way to update/change properties of a part used in a.dft file from the.dft file without using the property manager or going back to the part in question? I doubt there is but it would sure be nice. RE: Solid edge file properties (Mechanical) 22 Jul 15 22:26. You are right, property manager would be an option.
Being that it looks at the properties for all files, this is even worse for some of our drawings of bigger assemblies. It takes even longer for that to open than to just open the part file itself to change the properties. Playing with this some more, I can change properties via windows explorer or the insight server interface, though that wont change anything I have open until I close and reopen again. I cant figure out how to 'Reload' what I already have open to update the properties of the loaded file in my cache.
Doesn't seem to be any better options. RE: Solid edge file properties (Mechanical) 28 Jul 15 17:22.
Solid Edge opens data from other CAD systems. You can open both 2D and 3D data in the different Solid Edge environments. You can open the following types of files in Solid Edge: File Format Environment Comments Related User Interface.dgn Draft.dgn format files can be opened in the Draft environment as 2D geometry. The translation options available for these files vary based on the creation methods of the originating CAD system. You can generate.dgn files in systems other than MicroStation. Different versions of MicroStation generate different solid formats.
Make sure you know what output formats your software generates, and select the translation options that best meet your needs. MicroStation has the capability to generate 3D solids, but Solid Edge does not support reading the 3D data into Draft or Part.dxf.dwg Draft.dxf and.dwg format files can be opened in the Draft environment as 2D geometry. The translation options available for these files vary based on the creation methods of the originating CAD system. You can generate.dxf and.dwg files in systems other than AutoCAD.
The Draft environment will open.dxf and.dwgfiles created in AutoCAD version 12 through AutoCAD 2011. Solids created with Autodesk are output to.sat format as they are encountered in the AutoCAD file.stp,.step Part Sheet Metal Assembly STEP (.stp,.step) standards AP203 class II - class VI entities, AP214 class II - class VI entities, and STEP assemblies are supported by Solid Edge.igs,.iges (2D or 3D) Draft (2D) Part (3D) IGES (.igs,.iges) 2D and 3D files are supported by Solid Edge.
IGES 2D files are opened in the Draft environment and IGES 3D files can be opened in the Part, Assembly, or Sheet Metal environments. IGES is an industry-standard neutral format. This data can be imported as construction wireframe, construction surfaces, or solids depending on the modeling techniques and formats supported by the originating CAD system.xb.xt Part Sheet Metal Assembly The supported versions of Parasolid increase as subsequent versions of Solid Edge are built on the latest version of Parasolid. Controlling how foreign bodies are imported Solid Edge provides options to the translator import option dialog boxes that allow you to control how foreign bodies are translated during import. You can stitch, group curves, or boolean multiple bodies together.
You can also specify if you want to use the imported body as a base feature for your Solid Edge model. You should be careful when you select these options to ensure you get the desired results. If you select the Stitch on Import option, Solid Edge unites the multiple surfaces or sheets together. It may be to your advantage not to stitch on import, but to evaluate what you need to stitch, and perform the stitch after you import the file to Solid Edge. If you select the Group Curves in a Single Part Copy option, Solid Edge consolidates the curve data into a singe part copy. This is very similar to what the Stitch on Import option does to surfaces.
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You might want to identify the curves that you do not need and hide or delete them before you import the file. This helps to control the amount on unused geometry in your imported file. If you select the Boolean on Import option, Solid Edge unites the multiple bodies into a single part copy.
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If you select the Create Base Feature option, Solid Edge uses the imported solid body as the base feature for the Solid Edge model. If there is more than one solid body in the file, no base feature is created. In this case you can use the Make Base Feature command to select a solid to use as the base feature or construct a new base feature for the model.
If you clear this option, all solid bodies contained in the file you are importing are placed in PathFinder as a part copy rather than a body feature. Inserting bodies as a part copy requires you to select or create a base feature.
Since a base feature is not always created automatically, you need to be able to distinguish between the different geometry types. Symbols in the left column of PathFinder tell you the different geometry types included as a part copy. The following table explains the symbols used in PathFinder: Solid geometry Curve data Surface or sheet data. Opening foreign files in the Teamcenter or Insight XT managed environment When you open and save a STEP, IGES, or XT document in the Teamcenter or Insight XT managed environment, the file name is modified to correspond with the Item ID as a part of the translation process. The resulting Solid Edge file is added to the same Item ID as the original foreign file. The Dataset Name is set to the default based on the business rules in place for the Dataset Name, and is updated when other key fields such as the Item Name or Document Name change.
Indirect documents that are part of an assembly are assigned new Item IDs in the Upload Document dialog box. The Dataset Description automatically updates with the original file name, and the folder and project information is automatically populated for you. A Link Fixup is performed on the newly created files automatically, and your cache only contains the new files.
Dragging a non-managed document into a managed document results in the same behavior. For example, when you select an unmanaged part from the Parts Library tab or the and drag it into a managed assembly, then save it, the Upload Document dialog displays with the values populated for you.